Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chasing the Texas sunsets



            Can we talk a little real estate?  Like CLUNKER for down payment.  That’s right !  Hey, if Congress can do it, damn it, I can too.  I just can’t use your money to do it.  I have a beautiful corner lot in Hempstead, Texas.  That lot is just waiting for your home.  The lot is on the market for $9,500.00.   One CLUNKER for the down payment.  The preferred CLUNKER is a nine seater station wagon in good condition.  The balance to be financed over 10 years at 7% interest, not the CLUNKER, the lot.  I don’t give a damn if I sell that lot or not, but I need that nine seater station wagon.  You know, it will be my “Ranch Limousine”   New Listing, 46 acres, Pattison area, right across Clapp road from the famous Sam Wilson Ranch.  The owner may divide.  The taxes are less than $200.00 per year.  This tract of land has lots of potential.  Oh, it is unrestricted.  $9,500.00 per acre.  How about 25 acres behind Brookwood on Bains road?  $15,000.00 per acre.  Owner is motivated.  Let’s write an offer.  If you are looking for a steal,  maybe in Michigan or probably California, but if you are looking for an investment, I’m licensed to sell real estate, in TEXAS.

            Look, if you believe in Houston and you got $800,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 call me, I’ve got a tract of land that I believe will beat your cd rate or Dow Jones investment, unless the Mayans are right and the world is coming to a crashing end December 21, 2012.  Wait, let’s buy it anyway and flip it before the world comes to an end.

            Getting’ Out !  Hey, when you have good days, you got to take advantage.  High School Girlfriend and I made Sengelmann Hall in Schulenburg again.  Marcia Ball Saturday a week ago and “Asleep at the Wheel” last Saturday.  Short story.  They had sold out and it was standing room only.  I’m not going to pay $25.00 a person and stand up, that was 25 years ago.  So, I conned a bartender to go down stairs and bring up two chairs.  When I got those chairs it caused a mini-riot with all those sitting on the floor or standing.  Two BIG bouncers came over to me and said, “Sir we made a mistake and we have to take your chairs back down stairs”.  Either one could have whipped my ass with one hand tied behind them, but I told them to get this chair, from me, there will be a fight.  They looked at each other, they looked at me, and they looked at High School Girlfriend.  I don’t know if it was the idea of having to whip an old man’s ass in front of 300 people, more my age than theirs, or the thought of High School Girlfriend on their back, but they said that they needed to talk with management.  5 minutes later they came back and said enjoy your seat and sorry about the mis-understanding.  We had a ball.  Go to my BLOG at and see photos.

            CANCER…  I’m not happy.  The good news is the Chemo hasn’t killed me and the cancer is about the same.  The bad news is, the chemo is working hard on all my body parts and the cancer is about the same.  I wanted to take a 60 days rest from the chemo to build up my immune system again and have a little fun.  Doctor ChemoStein wanted me to start more chemo right away.  His thoughts are that it must be doing some good if it hadn’t grown or spread.  So, so I got depressed, I cried.  Damn it, all you positive thinkers I can’t be on cloud 9 all the time.  Sometimes the thought of what’s ahead of you, just gets to me.  Well, I stalled and I’m starting back on chemo Tuesday August 18th.  ChemoStein has changed the formula.  Talk about depressing.  Irinotecan and Carboplatin will be pumped into my body every second Tuesday.  Six pages of side effects.  And, the final side effect paragragh is  Sterility!  Great.  And there is a whole section on controlling Diarrhea.  Why  did I read this handout?  I usually wait until a couple days before.

            Below are two photos of Dr. ChemoStein.

            Prayer Warriors, give me strength.


Chasing the Texas sunsets,


Craig Dickson

craig dickson realty


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